Asthma symptoms causes and treatment

Asthma symptoms causes and treatment

Why asthma occurs?

  • Asthma is an obstructive airway disease which is characterized by inflammation and narrowing of air ways which helps to carry air to lungs resulting in difficulty of breathing.

Asthma attack symptoms:

  • Difficulty of breathing
  • Wheezing
  • Frequent coughing
  • Chest tightness
  • Dizziness

How asthma is caused?

  • Many individuals are concerned about why asthma is caused and asthma reasons. This is some factors on how asthma can be caused by various ways. Here, some common causes of asthma.
  • Smoking
  • Long term pollution exposure
  • Pollens
  • Dog dander
  • Viral infection
  • Low immunity

Can asthma be prevented?

With help of medical treatment and with doctor advice, by following these methods, episodes of asthma can be reduced. 

1. Avoid exposure:

    • Better to avoid triggering factors which causes allergic reaction and narrowing of respiratory airway. By wearing masks to prevent the allergens like pollens, dander which will be very helpful.

2. Lung exercise:

    • Practicing with spirometer will be the best types of exercise for asthma to improve the lung function and enhance lung capacity.


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