Brain Boosters
Brain is one of the key organ in the human’s body. It is responsible for the individual’s thinking ability and maintaining commands for doing activities. As brain is divided into two parts, the two parts responsible for variety of actions.
For instance, left brain hemisphere is responsible for analytical thinking and language processing whereas right brain hemisphere is responsible for the creative activities like dancing, drawing, etc.
For the proper functioning of the brain, it requires a good amount of blood flow and nutrition supply with an adequate sleep. The blood and nutrition supply to the brain from the heart will be done by carotid artery and on proper intake of nutritious food and within in brain, the blood supply will be done by circle of wills.
With a few lifestyle modifications we can improve the brain health.
Drinking plenty of water:
- With daily intake of 3-4 liters of water, it will improve the blood circulation and remove the toxins compounds which damages the brain.
Regular physical exercise:
- By playing games and doing exercises regularly, it will not only improve blood flow, but also improve individual mood as it influences the hormones in the body.
Maintaining good quality of sleep:
- Maintaining proper duration of sleep and its sufficient quality will improves the brain activity, due to improper sleep may damage the brain cells.
Intake of nutrition rich food:
- Taking good nutrition food like walnuts, protein rich foods like almonds, cashew nuts and omega-3-fatty acids supplement, these will look after the brain for a healthy growth.
Quitting smoking and alcohol consumption:
- It will cause increase levels of oxidants which will damage the brain cells and impairs the cognitive function of the brain.
Practicing yoga:
- With this, it will reduce the stress to the brain and maintains the easy flowing of ideas and maintains the peace of mind.