Breastfeeding Basics: Everything You Need to Know

Breastfeeding Basics: Everything You Need to Know

Now a days, many cases are arising which are against to breast feeding due to the fact of many reasons like, mother’s health, delayed milk production in the body, and other medical conditions. Here some quires regarding breast feeding advantages, breast feeding mother diet, breast feeding position and many more.

     1. Breast feeding benefits for mother and baby?

Breast feeding advantages are numerous to both baby and the mother as it is a body’s natural function.

Advantages to baby:

·        Boosting immunity by providing essential antibodies to protect against infections.

·        Abundant nutrition supply which is necessary for baby’s healthy growth.

·        Improves cognitive, emotional growth for baby, ease the process of digestion.

·        It impacts on strong emotional connection in between the mother and off spring.

Advantages to mother:

·        Promotes postpartum recovery by fastening uterus contraction and reduces bleeding.

·        Stabilisation of body hormones which helps in reducing postpartum depression is one of the breast-feeding advantages.

·        It improves the risk of disease occurrence, and improve overall health.

·        Burns extra calories and aid in weight loss.

1.      2. What breast feeding mother should eat?

  • Breast feeding mother diet must possess a nutritious, balanced diet which supports not only milk production, but also for betterment of her own health.
  •  A complete coverage of food with breast feeding nutrition, proteins like eggs, dairy products, lean meat.
  • Food like avocados, nuts, olive oil food. milk, yogurt, leafy vegetables like spinach and oats. Moreover, consumption of water adequately will maintain a sufficient milk supply.

3. What is the rules for breastfeeding?

·        Feed on demand – breastfeed whenever the baby show hunger cues like sucking on the hands, usually foe every 2-3 hours feeding is recommended.

·        Ensure that the breast-feeding position of the baby during breast feeding must be appropriate, namely, cradle hold, cross cradle hold.

·        Ensure a proper latch – to prevent nipple pain and to get enough milk, baby mouth should cover most of the areola and not just the nipple.

·        Before offering the other side of breast feeding, make sure let the baby finish one breast to get enough nutrition hindmilk.

·        Regular intake of water and breast-feeding mother diet with calcium to maintain good milk supply.


To sum up, breast feeding has a various advantage which are essential for both mother and baby. To practice this, various methods and techniques should be practiced. Moreover, the diet is the essential aspect to be considered in order to look after the wellbeing of baby and mother. Additionally, to improve its incorporation everyone should know the benefits and drawback of this type of feeding.

Learn more about Breast Feeding on our Post Pregnancy Care .

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