Heart attack is becoming more widespread in numerous parts of developed world. There are various assumptions in the society in view of heart attack. Firstly, heart attack is usually occurred when there is reduced blood flow to the heart due to blockage of blood vessel by blood clot or accumulation of cholesterol in the vessels also called as atherosclerotic plaque.
1. How heart attack is caused?
- As mentioned above, with decline in blood flow to the heart muscle, it leading to reduced oxygen supply. Heart attack causes by variety of different factors that led to damage of heart.
They are:
1. Smoking
2. Alcohol consumption
3. Obesity
4. Lack of physical activity
5. Increased cholesterol levels in the body
6. Diabetes
7. Hypertension
2. Are heart attack symptoms different for men and women?
- The range of heart attack symptoms could be based on severity of the diseased state, it is quite rare to find the different clinical manifestations with respect to gender.
The clinical presentations include:
1. Chest pain
2. Excessive sweating
3. Pain radiating to left hand
4. Nausea
5. Shortness of breath
6. Dizziness and fatigue.
3. What test is done to check for a heart attack?
- By corelating with heart attack symptoms, upon consultation with healthcare professional some tests need to be taken like heart attack blood test, in order to point out the exact reason for the cardiovascular diseases.
- Namely, Lipid profile, Troponin – I level, Complete blood picture, 2D Echo, Electrocardiograph, in some severe cases angiogram is suggested to identify the blocks in the coronary blood vessel.
4. Can heart attack be prevented?
Life style changes would be the key factor to prevent it. As daily activities had a huge impact on our body, it shows a significant change in the body. some of the preventive measures includes
1. Regular physical exercise like walking, jogging.
2. Quit smoking
3. Limit alcohol consumption
4. Maintain balanced diet
5. Decrease high cholesterol food
6. Maintaining ideal body weight
7. Regular cardiac screening
8. Monitoring blood sugar levels
9. Frequent blood pressure check ups
10. Stress management.
To sum up, heart attack also called as myocardial infarction, they are wide range of etiological factors which contributes to the reduced blood flow to the heart. It is identified by corelating signs and symptoms and with blood and radiographical investigations. The best way to reduce the incidence of this by changing life style habits which plays a crucial role in it.