Smart phones are the new shift in technology where anyone can access from different location for anything. It enables wireless communication from person to person regardless of distance. It also provides an entertainment to spend someone’s most of the leisure time. Recently, mobile phone addiction among students is impacting on child academics and their thought process which lead to various consequence like depression, anxiety, sleep disturbance etc.
What are the symptoms of mobile addiction in children?
- Emotional, behavioural, physical changes in children are the most pressing concern with excessive screen time. There are various signs of mobile phone addiction in children.
- Behavioural changes: irritability and mood swings – gets angry, frustrated when advised to stop using phones.
- Loss of interest in activities: Spending most of the time on screens over outdoor play, poor social interaction.
- Increase of anxiety and restlessness.
- Sleep disturbance due to late night screen time.
- Frequent headaches and eye strain.
How do mobile phones affect children?
With this, there are both positive and negative effects, depending on their management of screen time.
Positive effects:
- Educational benefits
- Better communication for staying connected
- Skill and creativity development
- In case of emergency, a quick contact will be helpful.
Negative effects:
- Lack of physical activity
- Risk of cyber threats
- Changes in sleep cycle and sleep disturbance
- Poor mental health.
How do I break my child's phone addiction?
- Set clear screen time limit, introducing no phone zone during meals, family time will be helpful
- Encourage alternative activities like sports, drawing, listening music, reading and outdoor games will be helpful.
- opt for gaming accessories like puzzles, science kits, etc.
Whilst acknowledging the benefits, this also bought its own drawbacks for using mobile phones for a long period of time. One should be aware of themselves, whether they are addicting towards the smart phones or not. This above information also provides few strategies on how to get rid of this habit.