What is PCOD?
Namely it is known as polycystic ovary disease, which is characterized by weight gain, hair fall, acnes, and fertility issues. PCOD is caused due to the result of ovaries released numerous and under developed eggs which lead to cyst formation, irregular periods, and hormonal imbalance.
Are PCOD and PCOS same?
There is different argument on PCOD vs PCOS .as described above, immature eggs production will lead to PCOD. PCOS is polycystic ovary syndrome which is a combination of both metabolic and hormonal dysfunction that affect the entire body, directs to enhanced levels of androgens, insulin resistance, high risk for diabetes and heart diseases.
Why PCOD occurs?
- There are variety of several reasons for prevalence of this disease. PCOD is caused due to the result of lifestyle changes and hormonal imbalance in the body.
They are:
1. Hormonal imbalance: androgens on excess secretion will disrupts the normal ovulation process.
2. Insulin resistance, where body cannot use insulin properly.
3. Genetics and family history.
4. Maintaining unhealthy lifestyle.
5. Lack of physical exercise.
How PCOD effects pregnancy?
One of the PCOD long term effects would be, it primarily affects the chances of getting conceived by rising irregular ovulation. Sometimes, even after pregnancy, it increases the risk of complication such gestational diabetes, miscarriage.
Can PCOD be cured?
The complete care to be taken to get rid of it. Moreover, it can be effectively managed with right lifestyle changes and medical support.
1. Healthy diet: by taking balanced food with, rich in proteins, vitamins, unsaturated fats, lower oily food and high fiber diet will be effective.
2. Regular exercise which will manage insulin resistance, body weight additionally enhances metabolism.
3. Practice yoga, and follow good sleeping habits which will impact on stress.
In a nutshell, it is a type of disease which is caused by hormonal imbalance, genetics, unhealthy life style. Although it will delay for conceiving, it also enhances the risk of gestational diabetes. There are different ways involved in managing and preventing the PCOD.