Diabetes and Software engineers

Diabetes and Software engineers

Most of the individuals suffer with the diabetes, particularly type 2 diabetes, India is one of the country where we found huge number of diabetic cases. They are many reasons for example, stress, alcohol consumption, but sedentary life style is one of the most important factor to suffer with type 2 diabetes.

          Now- a- days software engineers are more likely to get this type of diabetes, due to their daily routine is very relative to the risk factors of diabetes.

          Generally people with diabetes have high blood sugar levels through out the day due to insulin resistance or lack of insulin. This leads to inability to utilize the sugar content from the blood vessels. Although doing a minor exercise, those are not sufficient enough to strain the body and to utilize the sugar levels. Change in body weight due to lack of physical activity causing resistance to insulin. Hence, there will be no uptake of glucose to the cells and sugar remains as such in the blood.

          This in further will leads to high risk of cardiovascular disease, renal disease, visual impairments due to consistent increase of blood sugar levels. Also, other factors like smoking, genetics, and obesity may also contribute to type-2 diabetes incidence.

They are few lifestyle modifications to be done to be safeguarded from the diabetes.

  1. Physical exercise

  2. Dietary changes

  3. Stress management

  4. Smoking cessation

  5. Quitting of alcohol

  6. Weight management

Final Thought:

Leading an active lifestyle, even with moderate physical activity, can greatly reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and help manage it more effectively. Regular movement not only improves blood sugar control but also promotes overall health.


For a deeper dive into Diabetes , visit our Diabetic Care Page.

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