Importance of healthy lifestyle

Importance of healthy lifestyle

Healthy Lifestyle

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the best and foremost step to prevent numerous types of disease for example, Diabetes, Hypertension, Various cancers, Cardio vascular diseases. Now a days, incidence of many diseases are associated with maintaining poor lifestyle conditions due to their busy schedules, work pressure, and probably poor priority towards health.

They are various factors that influence someone’s health condition.

  1. Poor diet maintenance
  2. Smoking
  3. Alcohol consumption
  4. Stress
  5. Poor physical exercise and sedentary lifestyle
  6. Improper sleep timing and duration
  7. Low water intake.
  8. Using medications frequently.

     1. Poor diet maintenance:

Diet is the primary aspect to lead a healthy life. In today’s scenario, no one is following a proper food habit. Due to improper food habit, they are more prone to expose their life to unwanted health disasters. By maintaining a health food habits, we can subside these events. This is being neglected due to many reasons like, busy life, work pressure, no time to handle this and socio-economic status of the individual. However, regardless of reasons, it is compulsory to incorporate a healthy lifestyle with taking proper food to counteract the present disease trends.

      2. Smoking:

Smoking is one the main important thing to be considered. Many individuals consider smoking as a stress relief, but it will invite a lot of health conditions. Although it does not show a quick impact but, it will gradually make you nearer to various disease like Myocardial Infarction, Peptic ulcers, COPD, Asthma, various type of cancers, etc. For this reason, it is well known as Silent Killer. Smoking cigarettes may lead to increased free radicles in the body, where they are responsible for the vascular damages to the blood vessels. 

      3. Alcohol consumption:

Alcohol is one of the common thing which has been consumed all over the world. In present times, alcohol consumption became as a trend, every 5 persons in 10 has a habit of alcohol consumption. Alcohol is fine, if it is taking occasionally in low quantities. If it is consumed above the limit it makes a devastating health issues like liver failure, gall bladder stones, kidney injury, more prone to Alzheimer’s disease and various types of cancer. It is necessary to quit or to limit the alcohol consumption to safeguard your health from life threatening illness.

      4. Stress:

Stress is the major criteria to be focused to lead a good health. They are many reasons for a person to undergo stressful events in their life. One should know how to tackle it with various relaxing therapies and strategies. Stress may lead to many health issues like Hypertension, peptic ulcers, anxiety, sleep deprivation, etc. stress plays a key role in damaging the health of a person. So, it is necessary to take care of it by balancing work-life activities. Meditation, walking in the grass etc., are the one of the key activities to be followed to have a stressful life and to get rid of health issues. 

      5. Poor physical exercise and sedentary lifestyle:

Exercise and doing physical activity is necessary habit to be habituated to stay active and healthy.  It will keep our body in a rhythm and increases the mental stability with boosting immunity. it also maintains the stability between good cholesterol and bad cholesterol in the body. One of the important risk factor for getting unhealthy is maintaining sedentary lifestyle. Initially It causes no harm to the body, but in a long run, It changes the body fat profile, and affects the heart which will leads to cardiovascular diseases.

      6. Improper sleep duration:

Sleep plays an important in our life. Every individual requires at least 8 hours of sleep. With the influence of modern habits like staying awake till mid night, excess use of mobile phones, partying till night will affect the sleep circadian rhythm. There are various component that are dependent on proper sleep to illustrate mood stability, body active status, appetite problems, brain dysfunction, and many more are influenced by the sleep. According to various research, It will take around 3 days to compensate the sleep disturbance of 1 hour.

       7. Low water intake:

It is a well-known fact that our body is made of 70% of water. It indicates that our body is composed of water majorly. It is necessary to drink sufficient water everyday; it is said that 2-3 liters per day is suggested for every person. But due to busy time sheet of people, it is assumed as a big task to achieve. The body must be hydrated very often, other wise the waste product in the body will remain as such and may leads to toxification and also staying hydrated it will improve good brain activity and good skin texture and tone.

       8. Using medications frequently:

Medicines are the compounds which are mixture of chemicals. It is advisable to take medication if individual is facing with chronic illness. Now a days, individuals using medications for every tiny health problem. When there is continuous use of medication, it will cause resistant to medications, and affect the liver and eventually leads to liver failure. For example, on regular usage of painkillers for less severe pain, it will lead to peptic ulcers and kidney failure.


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