A medical professional in a white coat and mask interacting with a holographic illustration of the human urinary system, highlighting the kidneys and bladder with red glowing areas indicating infection or inflammation

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Causes, Home Remedies & Best Fruits

Urinary tract infection is also known as UTI; mainly occurs by various types of aetiological factors. It is most common condition which we are facing in our daily life. Here few information about the UTI.

     1. What are the 8 most common causes of UTIs?

urinary tract infection is caused by various range of factors

·        E coli bacteria

·        Poor hygienic condition at genital regions

·        Holding in urine for too long

·        Wearing tight jeans

·        Poor water intake

·        Weaker immunity

·        Sexual transmission

·        Infections of urethra and blockage of urinary tract

2. How does a girl get a urinary tract infection?

UTI can affect to anyone regardless of gender and their age. Person who exposes to causes which are mentioned above. Particularly, females are more prone to urinary tract infection bacteria than urinary tract infection for men, because of their urethra is shorter, which allows bacteria to the urinary bladder.


    3. What is the fastest way to cure a urine infection at home?

There are various types of urinary tract infection home remedies in order to prevent it. They are,

·        Drink plenty of water

·        Urinate frequently without holding

·        Take cranberry juice or foods

·        Take vitamin C food supplement frequently

·        Consume probiotic foods like yogurt

·        Clean genital region from front to back motion

·        Avoid wearing tight cloths 

         4. Which fruit is best for urine infection?

Fruits which we eat on daily basis has its own importance. For preventing urinary infections fruits which has high antioxidant properties and vitamin C concentration will be quite effective. Namely, Cranberry, blueberry are rich in antioxidant properties. Vitamin C will be available very efficiently in fruit like orange, lemon juice. It will help in curing urinary tract infections very effectively.


To summarize, Urinary tract infections are easily treatable, by following home remedies along with doctor’s advice on medication, it is manageable. By changing life style modification, like hygiene maintenance at genital region and sufficient hydration and by counteracting other causative factors it can be prevented.

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